Hooked On Sushi gives back to K–12 schools by hosting in-restaurant fundraisers, making for a fun night out with friends and family. Ten percent of all food and drink sales, including to-go orders generated from your organization, will be donated back to your school! 

On the night of your event—typically a Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday evening—guests present the event flyer, and 10% of their order total goes directly to your school. That means if your supporters bring in $1,000, we will send you a check for $100! 

In order for purchases to count towards your fundraiser, your supporters must either show a physical fundraiser flyer OR show a digital flyer on a smartphone or other mobile device. Remember, online orders or orders placed at a different time/location than your scheduled event will not count towards your fundraiser. 

It’s easier than ever to set up your fundraising festivity! Simply fill out the application below for your event. Be sure to allow at least three weeks’ notice in order to schedule your event. This is to give our restaurants time to prepare and you time to promote your fundraiser.